Post-Accident Procedures: Investigating Impaired Driving

Road accidents caused by impaired driving are a serious concern in Canada. In order to ensure the safety of all road users, it is crucial to follow proper post-accident procedures. This article aims to provide valuable information on investigating impaired driving incidents and what individuals can expect during the process. By understanding the steps involved, individuals can contribute to the resolution of such cases and help prevent future accidents.

 investigating impaired driving

I. The Importance of Investigating Impaired Driving 

a. Understanding impaired driving: 

Impaired driving refers to operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both. It poses a significant risk to the driver, passengers, and other road users. 

b. Promoting road safety: 

Investigating impaired driving incidents is essential for holding responsible parties accountable, raising awareness about the dangers of impaired driving, and encouraging preventive measures.

II. Immediate Steps to Take After an Accident 

a. Prioritize safety: 

After an accident, ensure the safety of all involved parties by moving to a safe location if possible and activating hazard lights. 

b. Contact emergency services: 

Dial emergency services (911) to report the accident and request medical assistance if needed. Inform the dispatcher about suspected impaired driving if applicable. 

c. Document the incident: 

While waiting for authorities to arrive, gather relevant information, such as the location, time, and date of the accident, along with the contact details of any witnesses. Take photos of the accident scene, including vehicle damage and any visible signs of impairment.

III. Police Investigation and Impaired Driving Detection 

a. Police arrival and assessment: 

Once the police arrive at the scene, they will conduct an initial assessment, ensuring the safety of everyone involved and securing the area. 

b. Field sobriety tests: 

Officers may administer field sobriety tests to assess the driver’s impairment level. These tests can include a breathalyzer test, physical coordination assessments, and questioning. 

c. Breath Sampler: 

The breath sampler is a device used to measure the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of a suspected impaired driver. It analyzes the breath sample provided and provides an estimation of alcohol impairment. By detecting the presence of alcohol in the breath, it assists in determining the individual’s impairment level.

IV. Arrest and Legal Procedures 

a. Arrest and Charge: 

If an officer determines that a driver is impaired, they will proceed to arrest and charge the individual accordingly. The accused will be informed of their rights and transported to the police station for further processing. 

b. Blood alcohol testing: 

At the police station, the accused may be required to provide a blood sample for precise measurement of their BAC. This test provides accurate evidence of impairment and is used during legal proceedings. 

c. Legal consequences: 

Impaired driving offences carry severe penalties, including fines, license suspension, mandatory education programs, and even imprisonment. Repeated offences lead to increasingly severe consequences.


Investigating impaired driving incidents plays a vital role in curbing the occurrence of such accidents and ensuring the safety of all road users. By promptly reporting incidents, cooperating with law enforcement, and supporting legal procedures, individuals can actively contribute to a safer road environment.

If you or someone you know has been affected by impaired driving or wishes to support efforts to combat this issue, consider getting involved with organizations and campaigns that raise awareness about the consequences of impaired driving. Additionally, explore the use of innovative devices like the Breath Sampler, which assists in accurately detecting alcohol impairment and acts as a preventive measure against impaired driving incidents.

Remember, every action counts when it comes to making our roads safer for everyone.