The Consequences of Marijuana Use and DUI Offences

Most people consider Driving Under the Influence (DUI) to relate only to alcohol or cocaine. But this is a mistake. If you drive under the influence of any drug, it is a DUI in nearly all parts of the world. For example, even though marijuana is now legal in Canada, driving under its influence can get you in serious trouble. Operating a car or other vehicle types while high on pot is a criminal offense. This post shares the consequences of such offense and DUI.

DUI Offences

Marijuana and and DUI offences consequences 

Marijuana and DUI offenses like Marijuana-related crimes fall under the cannabis act, while DUI offences are under impaired driving laws. The consequences of violating marijuana offenses vary according to the actual crime. In rare cases, the penalties will be a warning. But most often, the person must pay a fine or go to jail. Sometimes, they must do both, depending on the amount and number of offenses. 

  • Above 30 grams of marijuana possession can result in a ticket or up to 5-year jail time. 
  • Illegal possession of cannabis not bought from a licensed shop can result in a $1000 to $5000 fine.
  • Illegally selling or distributing marijuana can result in a ticket or up to 14 years in jail, depending on the amount.
  • Growing or producing marijuana products more than what’s allowed can result in a ticket or up to 14 years in prison. Small amounts lead to tickets and fines. Excess can lead to jail time between 1 to 14 years.
  • Underage possession of pot results in a $200 fine, or you get sent to the youth prevention program.
  • Illegally exporting marijuana out of Canada can result in 14 years of imprisonment. 
  • Smoking or vaping marijuana where not permitted results in a $1000 to $5000 fine. The consequence for a first-time offense is $1000, and $5000 for a repeat offense.

Marijuana impaired driving 

According to impaired driving law, taking any drug within 2 hours of driving is a criminal offense. If the police pull you over and have reasons to suspect you’re under drug influence. They will do a drug test to check. They will check if the driver has THC in their body fluids. THC is a psychoactive ingredient in the plant. 

  • The amount of THC in the driver’s body fluid determines the severity of the punishment. For 5 nanograms (or less) of THC per 1 ml of blood, the fine is $1000 for a first-time offense.
  • Above 5 nanograms per 1ml of blood attracts harsher consequences. The driver faces up to 10 years in prison and a $1000 fine for a first-time offense. The driver faces compulsory jail time if it’s not the first time.

Basically, driving with a 2.5 nanogram of THC is a criminal offense. Like driving with an alcohol level of .05. These are considered DUI. The person can end up paying a huge fine or going to prison. If charged with a DUI, you need an experienced defense lawyer to offer legal advice and represent you. It is best to contact one immediately.