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How to Take Care of Berry Farm Pets

If you are considering a trip to the local berry farm, there are a few things to look for before you make your selections. You should also consider your dog’s lifestyle. Those in the know recommend limiting treats to 10 percent of your canine’s diet.

The most obvious way to take care of your berry farm pet is to provide them with a balanced diet. This is an easy and inexpensive way to keep your best friend happy and healthy. Aside from the obvious berries, you may want to throw in some organic vegetables, fruits and grains. Some grocery stores carry all natural or organic products, so you should be able to find what you’re looking for. Keeping your pooches’ food fresh is a top priority.

Some fruits and veggies can be toxic to dogs, especially if you leave them in the fridge too long. One such fruit is the avocado. Although it’s a good source of fiber and protein, it’s also high in fat. For this reason, you should avoid eating it raw. Similarly, the peel of a banana can pose a choking hazard. It’s best to give your pooch a treat only in the late afternoon or early evening. Lastly, be sure to save your favorite treat for last. In the long run, this is the best way to ensure you and your pet get the most out of your trip to the berry farm.

A nifty little trick that you can use to help keep your pets healthy is to remove them from the fridge at least thirty minutes before eating them. That way, you can prevent them from getting a stomach ache, or worse, a full blown case of diarrhea. Lastly, be sure to wash your hands well before and after giving your dog their meal, and don’t forget the obvious, like washing your pet’s water bowl.